Signed up to the UN Job List email alert? Please revalidate your email!

I love working on the UN Job List and I can’t believe the site has been up and running for almost 7 years now. I’m also really grateful for everyone who is using the email alert to stay on top of new jobs. If you are not signed-up yet, feel free to sign-up here:


However, over the years some of people who signed-up to the alerts stopped using them but didn’t sign-out. So, as announced, I’m starting a email re-validation campaign to make sure that all those of you who want to use the alert have the ability to do so but that those who don’t need the alert any longer will not be bothered by my emails.

What you need to know:

If you receive the email alert, carefully watch for the re-validation link. If you see the link and still want to get the newsletter, please just click it. That’s it! You will only be asked to re-validate you email once a year from now on.

Over the coming weeks – and if you ignored the link in the email alert – you will receive ‘one final notice’ and at the same time, you email alert will be deactivated. You can always re-activate your alert by clicking the link in the email.

If there are any problems, please let me know. And please help me help you, by clicking the link in the email. Thank you!


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