It’s time to renew the UN Job List’s overall design. The following is a preview to the new design of the UN Job List which will be launched very soon.
Since 2007 the UN Job List has been well known for its clean and minimalistic design. But lately there have been challenges with the existing UN Job List design. These challenges are a result of the expanding scope of the UN Job List which has happened over the past years. In the beginning the List was intended to be a resource for those “in the know”. It was intended to be for people who know the UN system and know exactly what they are looking for. That’s why I built powerful search and email alerts; sophisticated RSS feeds and I relied on a high degree of automation and speed in finding the jobs.
But times have changed. With more and more people using the List more questions came. Not only from people who didn’t know the UN system but also from expert UN job seekers who wanted to know their chances of getting into the UN system. That’s the reason I posted more resources on how to find your way through the system and also added the interest indicators to individual jobs.
To make sure all this can be understood, I started to redesign the UN Job List. What you see below is the new header of the site:
As you can see it is structured into four distinct sections. The first section “How it works” deals with background information on the UN system, what contract types exist in the UN and how to go about job hunting. The second section “Job Listings” is pretty much what you know from the UN Job List right now. It deals with the lists of UN vacancies by duty station, by organization, lists the latest jobs and features the powerful search function of the site. The third section “Analytics” deals with overall vacancy analytics. Here you can now find which organization has been advertising how many jobs. The last section is “Tools and Resources” which is where you will find the UN Job List Widget and other tools.
What do you think of this structure? And do you like the new header layout? Thanks for letting me know below in the comments.
Hi Sebastian,
Having a new header with additional sections make sense indeed, to provide more info about the UN and the fact that each agency has its own site with different ways to apply. You may want to reconsider the title “how it works”, because it does not describe so well the content you mention under this heading. I can’t find a good alternative right now though :-). Cheers