Application Process

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  • #2249 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Topic for us to discuss about the issues regarding the application process.

    #2250 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Mr. Sebastian and dear fellows,

    Last week I found a Job post that the deadline was almost closing (2 hours to close the application window). I’ve applied. to the job position. My question is: What is the likelihood of being put out of the process due to my late application?

    #2253 Score: 0
    Rottmair Sebastian
    10 pts

    Hi there,

    I don’t think that’s a huge problem – most HR colleagues start to look at everyone only once the deadline expires. Even those who screen applications on an ongoing basis will review every application that was submitted on time.

    Good luck and all the best!

    #2258 Score: 1
    4 pts

    Hello Sebastian !
    I appreciate your concern and contribution towards us UN aspirants.
    I have first appeared for an assessment test for P-3 position in Dec- 2015, since then till last week I have appeared for 11 tests; out of which I have not been qualified for 3 of them.
    My question to you as I wait is that, I have been applying for various positions from FS-4 to P- and have since completed the Assessment for them…In case I happen to be selected for a FS-4 position and few months later get selected for a P-5 position…Is it possible to shift from FS-4 position to P-5 position ?

    #2260 Score: 0
    Rottmair Sebastian
    10 pts

    Hi Abraham,

    Often times, within the same organisation there is a time limited you have respect, before you can move to the next assignment. The idea is, that you commit to the job you take on. However, between organisations those kinds of time-limits often don’t exist.

    If I were you, I would go for the best available job the moment you get it offered. It is very hard to know when the next great opportunity comes along.

    Good luck!

    #2262 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Hi Sebastian ! Thanks a lot for the response. I appreciate your insight; however as I wait upon 8 exams results, the confusion and ambition remains. I have appeared for FS-4 , P-3, P-4 & P-5 positions… hopefully I should get a time frame for the choice. Thanks again. Regards.

    #2296 Score: 0

    How long does it take from technical test to interview? Is there a time limit?

    #2301 Score: 0

    Hello, I’ve been contacted for my references a week ago today. Do you know how long on average I would have to wait after this process for a job offer if my references checked out.

    #2302 Score: 0
    Pedro morales
    2 pts

    Following up on Bundymoth’s question…

    I went through the interview process with the FAO two years ago and they contacted my references a few days later. I am certain that the references checked out and that they gave me glowing reviews, yet two months later i received word that I didn’t get the job. That being said, I was put on the roster so I am guessing they approved of me overall.

    I guess it depends on the organization, but in some cases even if references check out it might not be a guarantee of employment.

    #2303 Score: 0

    Hi Pedro, Thank you for your response. It must be a big let down when they contact your references and don’t get offered the position. What what was the FAO position? have you tried for any others since?

    #2306 Score: 0

    Yea, reference often means the job is yours. Depending on the agency this can take a few days/ weeks to get the offer.

    Abdoule, I don’t think there is a time limit

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Anja.
    #2308 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Hi ! last month I appeared for an online assessment for FS4 position & recorded all the 14 questions for self-assessment. On verification, we learnt that I had answered all of them perfectly…Does it guarantee an interview ?

    #2313 Score: 1
    Rottmair Sebastian
    10 pts

    Hi there,

    sadly, I don’t think this guarantees an interview. I still think this is great news – and congrats on completing this stage well but I would be surprised if it is an automatic guarantee for an interview as there may be a lot of people that complete this stage.

    However, all the best, good luck and please do let us know when you hear from them again – let’s share with everyone else how this process continues…

    #2316 Score: 1
    Pedro morales
    2 pts

    Hi Bundymoth,

    It was an admin position with the FAO and indeed it was a let down to not get the position after they contacted my references. That being said, because it took so long after the fact to get word I assumed that I wouldn’t be getting it, so I wasn’t too shocked when I received news.

    I’m currently going through the process again with another admin position at the IAEA, so hopefully will hear something back soon one way or another. Where have you applied to? Hopefully you will have a success story to share with us soon! Best of luck!

    #2317 Score: 0

    Hello & Great job here!

    I’ve applied for many logistics positions, P2/3/4, since last September. The UN application site show all these applications as “under consideration”. They’ve been in this status for over 6 months for the earliest ones. My question: What would normally be the next notification messages I would see, or do applications just remain in this status forever? Thank you!

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