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  • #1892 Score: 0

    I was shortlisted for the GGST test in New York.Unforortunately i dint pass the exam.I was notified through email that i have 4 more attempt to the GGST.
    Sebastian,what advise can you give me and should i keep on applyng for postions or UN will call me once avacancy is up for aGGST Exam?

    #1893 Score: 0
    Rottmair Sebastian
    10 pts


    I would keep trying. Maybe put extra efforts into preparing? You know what the rest looks like now.

    Also, did you see the GGST samples here?

    #1894 Score: 0

    Thanks Sabastian.
    Yes i saw it,did practice on free online assessment tests but apart from the situation judgement and numerical reasoning i fiund the UN verbal reasoning exam to be differentfrom the ones online.
    Do you have a link where i can buy or get the UN model test online?
    I have looked for it but cant find one.
    Please help.

    #1895 Score: 0
    Rottmair Sebastian
    10 pts

    Sorry, beyond the resources I linked in the above I wouldn’t know any other source. I would also be very careful trusting other (non-UN) sources with these kinds of things. There are many people who want to make a quick dollar in exchange for all kinds of promises…

    Is there anybody else here who would have another idea? Where could we get sample tests?

    #2740 Score: 0

    I have a question, how do we register for the GGST? I can’t seem to find any info on the local test administrator
    I’m an Indian citizen studying in Budapest, Hungary, so I can take it either in India or Hungary if that helps

    #2898 Score: 0

    Does anyone know how many questions are there in the GSST test in total, or do they vary every time? I was only able to find information about the allocated time for each section but not how many questions are there.

    This is especially important for the Situational Judgment section where only 20 mins are allocated.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Tester.
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